Thursday, October 25, 2012


I wrote this article on Crazytown for my friend, and super talented writer, Kim Krizan, regarding her upcoming book, Original Sins.  For this article and others written by me on Crazytown, visit



Acclaimed writer, Kim Krizan, and the Trade Secrets of the Femme Fatale.
By Bob Simpson (Writer)
Remember years ago when you met that really attractive girl?  You worked and pleaded and wooed her for months and, finally, after serenading her fourteen times in public with various tunes, including the theme song from "The Greatest American Hero," she agreed to go on a date with you?
Then, remember two months later, when you were tied to a rocking chair, drifting in and out of consciousness, with one of your kidneys sitting in a Igloo cooler just out of reach?  Despite the significant blood loss and possible high-grade concussion, you think to yourself, "That was totally worth it."
I thought so, too.
Fortunately, my friend, Kim Krizan, has written a book chronicling the lifestyles behind some of our favorite femme fatales, those irresistible dames, more dangerous than a martini laced with hydrochloric acid.
Kim is not only an expert on femme fatales, but also an Academy Award-nominated screenwriter, the writer of "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset," and, of course, the bad ass teacher from "Dazed and Confused."

That's right, she's the one that pats Don on the head.  Like a boss.
Kim is a hell of a writer, and has been a bit of a mentor for me (like Obi Wan Kenobi, except, you know, not ancient...or a dude).  Original Sins is being released independently, and Kim has launched a Kickstarter campaign to cover the costs of publishing on her own.  I encourage you, the faithful Crazytown audience, to check out her Kickstarter page and, if you are so inclined, chip in to help support an awesome artist.

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