Thursday, January 31, 2013



Gentled Geek returns this week after an extended hiatus, during which your geek pal was either traveling or remembering what the hell a quadratic equation was.  Now that we’ve returned, I’d like to call to attention a paradigm shift that’s occurred recently in the world of Marvel comics that deserves more attention that its getting.  Namely, Cyclops.

That’s right, I want to talk about Cyclops – boring, boy scout, do-no-wrong Cyclops.  Before we get to the main subject of this week’s article, let me say to those of you that feel that way about Cyclops (i.e., that he’s as interesting as a sober conversation with Fun're welcome ladies), please go to hell.  I, for one, have been a Cyclops fan since I started reading the comics and watching the incredible cartoon in the 90s.  I saw Cyclops as a character holding an immense amount of potential, if only Professor X could get out of his way and let Cyclops take over…

Conversely, I always thought Wolverine was overrated.  So, in the frequent battle of Cyclops vs. Wolverine, I was in the minority, but was also aware that Cyclops possessed a steeper arc than Wolverine, or virtually any other character in the X-Men lexicon.  Wolverine had been to the nadir and risen.  Cyclops, had been to the top, but had yet to fall.

So, allow me to say to those ladies and gentlemen (though, judging by how women are drawn, mostly gentlemen) at Marvel, “Congratulations on taking Cyclops and turning him into a villain.”
That’s right, folks.  For those of you that had given up on the X-Men after the House of M storyline, do yourself a favor and get behind Brian Michael Bendis’ new X-Men title because Cyclops, the Boy Scout himself, has turned into Magneto.  While the X-Men carry on and mutantkind starts to grow again thanks to our old pal, The Phoenix Force, Cyclops has been cast off and has basically formed a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with Magik, Emma Frost, Danger and Magneto.  

The writing has reinvigorated the series, and the idea of rival mutant schools (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine’s Jean Grey school vs. Cyclops and company’s Xavier school) leads to so many possibilities.
This nerd is ecstatic that a series that has stalled for so many years, has been resurrected thanks to the Avengers vs. X-Men series and now, the Cyclops “heel turn.”  His character deserved more, and now he’s got it.

All images property of Marvel Comics, Inc.